PT4WLLY – Shine that with your Johnson?

It’s redneck week here at BNZ4BOZO (I know, pretty classy of me, right?).

WLLY, you and your touring edition, Coca-Cola Cruiser are almost too cherry-red for words. Almost. I’ll give it a shot.

WLLY, where in all of San Bernardino did you find that stylin, studly fake spare housing? And, complete with Chrysler logo? Yes, that may become a collectors item, a reference to a time of lameness.

WLLY, did the add-ons for the car cost more than the car itself?

WLLY, do you smile and chuckle every time you see your ride?


And, WLLY, is that compact?

And, WLLY, is that compact?