Ladies, Rick is a man of few words. He sticks to the important stuff. Ladies, Rick is a classy man. Ladies, Rick drives an X5. Ladies, in case you didn’t know Rick drives and X5 from the Beemer-installed lettering on the back, Rick has gone above and beyond to demonstrate his wealth with a personalized license plate pointing out his X5-itude.
Ladies, if you missed both of those declarations of Rick’s status, he’s willing to give you a third shot. Ladies, witness Rick’s final attention-grabber: the LameFrame, in chrome, as is customary.
Rick doesn’t need possessives – those demand punctuation. But you know what he means.
Finally, Ladies, please understand that Rick is a down to earth guy, also. Witness the minivans on either side. Ladies, Rick was shopping at Target when I just barely noticed his X5Ness.